Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rainy run

Yesterday I had a job in downtown Toronto. So I descended there a bit early, worried I might get caught in traffic, which left me some time for a coffee at a window-seat in the business area. The view was fascinating. I usually avoid rush hours in downtown at all cost. Since I couldn’t avoid it this time, I actually found ways to enjoy it. I watched the tides of people and cars, raising and falling like breasts of the town, breathing people across the intersections, spouting cars along the streets. Sculls of businessmen in smart suits with briefcases would swim to the red light and stop like a single living organism, followed by smaller fish of businesswomen in suits or skirts, clacking their heels and occasionally dragging their wheeled cases. The smaller fish would intermingle with big and, on green, the scull would contract a little, then swim forth, dispersing in the busy morning.

Wednesday was a miserable affair, wet and rainy, not fun for my 8 km run, but I braved the elements and ran. Actually, I quite enjoyed the run—there was no dogwalkers, they all kept indoors with their pe(s)ts. Not that I dislike dogs, I just have hard time with the combination of the dog with the owner, especially when they are attached to each other with a leash. They are a curse for a runner, they tend to separate across the sidewalk, the owner on one side, the dog across and the leash as a perfect obstacle cutting my running route. That’s why I mostly run on the road, to save my nerves and my legs from the dog+owner+leash deadly combo. Anyway, today was a dog-free day, thanks to the rain, and I enjoyed it for the full 8 km.

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