Friday, October 30, 2009

Swine flew

I know, I know, a flurry of blog entries after a month of silence. I guess it's just the novelty of this new app. Or, maybe I have so many things to say.

A healthy teenage hockey player from our town died of swine flu, creatively named H1N1, and then nick-named "hiney" phonetically. We got 3 flyers in the mail teaching us how to wash hands, sneeze and cough into the arm-sleeve and what symptoms to look for to recognize the disease. The vaccine is available, but the lineups are so huge that it takes 6 hours on average to get the shot. That's 6 hours exposure to all kind of panicked and potentially sick people. Not sure this whole epidemic is being handled as it should.

Since neither me nor Meg have 6 hours to waste on waiting in the cold to be pricked, we'll hope that our family doctor will get the vaccine before we catch the disease. And before the swine flew.

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Life's tiny blows

I wish life would stop withe the blows, even if only for a short while, so we can catch a breath. Just as I narrowly escaped being out of work, Meg's workplace played a cruel joke on her. Instead of giving her promotion they promised, for which she worked her bony ass off, they demoted her colleague to be on the same level as Meg. As a sour bonus, Meg's friendly manager is being replaced by a woman who bears natural dislike for Meg's department. It really hurts to watch Meg's eyes filling up with tears like two dark mountain lakes. The whole evening she is swallowing this betrayal and I'm afraid the dam will burst at any moment. I wish I could say everythin's going to be OK. I wish SOME things would start turning OK. We're both exhausted and need a break.

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Sleeping on a guillotine

This month the company I'm working for sought bankruptcy protection. We were gathered like schoolchildren in the cafeteria and promised in the language fitting for pre-schoolers that nothing will change in our lives. The paycheck will keep coming, the benefits will be paid, because we are too valuable to be terminated. I mean the company.

Then yesterday, all news outlets in the town broadcasted the news that the company is about to close today. And, again, reassurances from our executives, sounding like parents who are reluctantly sending their children away: mommy and daddy loves you so much, we'll never stop loving you.

Last night sleep felt like sleeping on a guillotine. This morning the atmosphere at work is nervous. Panic bubbles right beneath the surface. Everybody talks a bit louder than usually, laughs a bit more insincerely and goes to the washroom more often. But, the blade didn't fall. It's past noon and we are still around. The news from the court is that the doom is postponed. We'll all go home tonight and put our pillows under the guillotine, hoping its hanging blade will stay where it is - suspended in the air, indefinitely.

iPhone blogging

I have been busy with my new podcast about running and completely neglected the blog. Not that anybody missed it, or if they did, they suffered in silence. Right now I'm typing this on a new iPhone app for blogging and, if it works as it should, I'll have one excuse less for not blogging on. So, let the bloggathon continue!

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