Saturday, January 26, 2008

Writer's Block

I suffer from the writer’s block! Which is absolutely surprising, considering that I’m not a writer. Yet, every time I sit down to write, I hit the block.

See, I carry all these little stories and ideas in my head. Most of the time they lay dormant within the cozy emptiness of my cranium, but sometimes they spring to life and hit the conscious level and I feel an irresistible urge to write them down. Unfortunately, these lucid moments always happen when writing is impossible: when I drive, when I’m in the midst of a very important meeting or in a bathtub and light years away from the closest piece of paper, or a computer. Of course, I always make a special effort to memorize them, which becomes particularly cumbersome at meetings and makes me stutter. But, when I finally sit in front of the computer and am ready to pour the story on the screen, I can’t find it. It’s gone, withdrawn in the deepest, darkest areas of my mind.

So, here I am, ready to share the world with you, but unable to find the thread which will start unraveling the story.