Friday, January 8, 2010

The week at Moonstone

The second week of vacation was mostly about skiing. We went to Moonstone (north of Barrie, Ontario) on Monday and skied our hearts out. Somehow everything seemed better this year - the snow was drier, the slopes better prepared and we were a bit more experienced. Unfortunately, Meg pulled something in her knee on Monday, which forced us to stay home on Tuesday, but we were back on slopes on Wednesday, enjoying it. Meg is improving so rapidly, it's nice to watch. She started zooming down the hill so fast, I had troubles keeping up. On Thursday, we had a gorgeous sunny day and everything could have been ideal if it weren't for several busloads of snowboarders, all teenagers. They conquered the slopes for most of the day and it was a little scary skiing between them. A local elderly woman who shared a lift with us said: "Look at them, they look like bugs." And sure they did, in their brightly colored ski suits, helmets and legs attached to the equally colorful boards. Also, they were sitting on the snow in large groups - they did resemble a plague infesting the slopes.

There was supposed to be even more school kids today, so we decided to skip the skiing and stayed home. Besides, we did have more than 5 hours of skiing each day and our legs felt it. We're both walking on very sore legs today. My running obviously effects different muscles from those needed to pilot the skis. That would explain the muscle-ache.

There's only the weekend left and then - back to work! (sigh) Both Meg and I dread Monday. This two weeks away only showed us how much fun it could be if we didn't need to work. If only we could figure out how to pay the bills...

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