Monday, November 24, 2008

Universal Power

Once or twice a year some punks from Direct Energy come knocking on our door. They usually flash some sort of the ID and demand to see our gas bill "to check if we are getting the fair price". I admit, first time they came around, I thought they were some sort of inspectors and by the time I realized they are soliciting for their gas distribution service, they already had my phone number. It took a while to get us off their calling list.

Tonight, another aggressive energy delivery solicitors came about. A young black man first rang the door bell, then when we didn't open fast enough, started banging on the door so fiercely I thought he was going to break it. When I answered, he pulled the same trick like the Direct Energy guys: he flashed an ID, said he's with Universal Power and said he came to see our energy bills, electrical and gas. To his misfortune, I do learn from my own mistakes and flatly refused to show him the bills, to which he tried to convince me that I can't do that and I must listen to what he came for. He was incredulous when I told him, with a polite smile, that I am not interested.
"You're not interested?" he asked in a voice full of threat and disbelief. He sounded like a cop who asked you to do the breathalyser and you refused. It sounded like "you're going to regret this." So I repeated even sweeter that no, I am not interested, thank you and have a good night, and I slammed the door.

I don't know who trains these young thugs to literally attack a potential customer in this manner. Whoever it is, they should spend some time on the internet and check the effect their approach has--there are numerous blogs and message boards warning people not to fall, even not to open the door when either Universal Power or Direct Energy guys are making rounds in the neighborhood. If you read this and you live in Markham, Ontario, watch for the Universal Power ruffians, they are on the prowl.

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