Saturday, November 22, 2008

For Whom The Bell Tolls?

The Hemingway's book was on the list of books I was supposed to read for the literature class in high school. I was always a bookworm, but in high school I rebelled against being told what to read and when to read it. Instead of the books from the list we were given, I read what I found interesting. The casualties were, among other masterpieces, "For Whom The Bell Tolls", "Ana Karenina" and "War and Peace". In order to pass the literature grading in school, I made my classmates tell me in details what was in each book. I know the story and that made me avoid these books for all this time. However, curiosity won at the end, and I ran with "For Whom The Bell Tolls", literally! The story carries me away and sometimes I forget to watch where I put my foot and I blame it for running through puddles and, more recently, slipping on the ice. As long as the twists and pulls are only in the plot and have nothing to do with my joints and muscles, I will keep enjoying it. It's me and Ernest (Hemingway) running together at dawn on -13 C through the empty streets of my sleepy frozen neighborhood.

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