Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The ugly men's thing

Maggie calls it the ugly men's thing.

When you run in chilly or windy weather (today was windy as hell), the nose starts misbehaving: it gets blocked and it drips. At first I tried to sniffle and contain the downpour inside, but with the wind in chest I was struggling for air, and there was no other way than doing the ugly men's thing. I have it perfected so I don't even need to shorten the stride, just turn the head aside, slightly lean forward and blow it all out. I even manage to avoid the shirt sleeve. And, I try to discharge when there are no people around. I am even so considerate never to unload on somebody's front yard; I am equally good doing it on both sides and can always drop it at the opposite side of the sidewalk from the front lawns. Sometimes, though, I catch disgusted looks of the people passing by in cars. Ah, one can never avoid it completely. I try not to spray the pedestrians, but I can't possibly wait for the traffic on the street to clear before I blow my nose!

Now you're thinking why don't I use handkerchief, right? Simply: the handkerchief made of fabric gets soaked quickly and is quite disgusting to handle during as well as after the run; the paper tissues usually dissolve from sweat even before I'm about to use them. See, there's really no other way, but to empty it all in the nature. At least I'm trying to be considerate about it!

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