Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hating snow (and rabbits) in April

I know this is Canada, but snow in mid-April? Just as I was about to put away the snow shovel for the season? Not to mention the soaked shoes, wet clothing, slush-sprayed running gear...

Didn't we have a long enough winter as it is? Why is it coming back, just as Spring warmed us up for a couple of weeks? Whine as I may, it has been snowing the whole day yesterday and as a result the roads are slippery and wet today. People here have very short memory, seems that they'd forgotten how to drive in winter conditions already, so the roads are full of ice AND idiots. For my part, I mellowed down, driving slow and letting all the bozos cut in front if they want. It must be because I'm so spent with my runs--they are getting really long. When you consider a 16 km run a short one, you can imagine what the long ones are like...

As I feared, the bunnies found Maggie's flower garden, nibbled a few tulip buds. Maggie is livid. No more "cute bunnies" it's all the "stupid rabbits" now! She wanted me to pee on the flowers--what's left of them--to repel the bunnies. Imagine me, standing in the front yard for everyone to see, urinating on our flowers! Luckily, the snow saved me, Maggie reconsidered and is preparing some lethal concoction of spices and other ingredients which I dare not mention. It will be dispersed around our mini-garden. Watch out, stupid rabbits!

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