Sunday, September 1, 2013

Las Vegas

My mom is visiting, she arrived last week and, since she believes she wouldn't be able to endure such a long trip again, we wanted to make this time memorable, so we booked a surprise trip to Las Vegas, leaving today.

The flight was uneventful, but good. Landed in Vegas in time, found the hotel--Renaissance hotel on Paradise rd. away from the strip, to stay away from the noise and bustle.

After settling in, we went for a walk with mom to the strip. It was almost an hour of slow slog through the desert heat. Finally there and famished, we found Dany's restaurant for dinner, which was disappointing mostly because they didn't serve alcohol. We were fantasizing about beer ever since the first breath of that overheated air. Finally, mom couldn't walk any longer and we managed to take a cab back to the hotel.

After dropping mom off to rest, M and I returned to the strip. Vegas is crowded during the day--that is, the Strip is crowded, away from the Strip, it's a desert--metaphorical and real--but at night the crowds multiply tenfold. Walking the street becomes a fight for survival, and it became a bit too much for our tired minds picking the way through the crowds waiting for the Treasure Island pirate show. Finally, we stepped on the street going back to our hotel and tried to hail a cab. After about 20 minutes and numerous cabs zooming past empty, we went, pissed, to a hotel and grabbed one there. It turns out in Vegas cabs are not allowed to pick up fares on the street, it has to be at a taxi station - either at a hotel, casino, or any of numerous other spots. Who would've known!

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