Monday, June 22, 2009

Iran, Obama, Chairs and iPhones

16 K in pouring rain

We had a very wet week. Wednesday was rainy throughout, including the evening hours when I usually go for run. So I did my 16 km in pissing rain, came home soaked through, but happy for being the only person on the sidewalk. Even the dreaded dog-walkers stayed inside.
However, when I woke up on Saturday and saw the same weather promising to keep me wet again, I just turned in bed and postponed the training for Sunday, which turned to be a beautiful sunny day for a 26 km.

Obama the Fly-Swatter!

New US prez swatted a fly during an interview. How many times any of us did the same at home? That's hardly worth the news, were it not for PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, protesting loudly in the media against the presidential cruelty toward an insect!!! Give me a break! We need a serious filter to muzzle people who abuse their right to free speech! I know it's a great opportunity for PETA to crawl into the spotlight for something else other than posing naked models pretending to be endangered animals, but this is a bit too much, no? What happened to that basic wisdom: "If you have nothing to say, keep quiet!"

Iran's protests

A week after elections in Iran, in which victory was awarded to the hard line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, passed in massive popular protests against allegedly rigged results. The religious leader of the country, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared his support for Ahmadinejad, but the people are revolting and the protests still go on. It's at the same time encouraging and frightening to see masses of young people marching against the tear gas and bullets of the regime's militia. One particular blog entry and video of a young girl dying after being shot at the protests shocked me to the core, check it at this web site.

Chairs and iPhones

We did some more shopping last week. Well, new iPhone came to Canadian stores and since we were up to renew our mobile phones, we got one for each, then spent the weekend poking on the new toys, moving our digital lives into new homes. Other than the purchases that fit in the pocket, Maggie spotted the chairs that go well with our new sofa. Since this has been a month of big purchases, and the world's recession is looming, Maggie waited until she came home to convince me to buy the chairs. When I finally capitulated, she phoned the store to put the hold on the chairs, since it was the last pair. When we came to pick them up next morning, we were told that Maggie's phone call came just as another couple was trying to put the hold on the chairs. We were lucky!

To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee (Audiobook, read by Sissy Spacek)
Well written, beautifully read, a bit slow but worth it. 4/5

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