Around 2pm my two computer screens at work started shaking. The desk too. So did the floor. A shake. Then pause. Another shake. Another pause. Then more. I stood into the office doorframe, playing cool, but checking others and checking where the building structure is the sturdiest. Never thought of pulling the phone camera out. My photographer's instincts are dead!
There are concrete pillars throughout the floor. The building was still shaking beneath my feet, and I thought about taking a casual stroll and installing myself next to one of those carrying pillars. But then the fire alarm went on. So we evacuated the building, cramming into a claustrophobic concrete stairway to the exit.
Firefighters appeared in about 10 minutes, but were sent away by the security. There was no damage and no fire. And, sadly, we were asked to come back in and continue working.
According to the news, the earthquake's epicenter was somewhere in Virginia, 5.9 on the scale. No damage or casualties reported in Canada. Phew!
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