Long time ago I was sitting in a cafe with Sasa, a childhood friend and photographer, and we had the conversation about photography. Our cameras were next to us - we never went anywhere without them - and the discussion was about just that: is it worth the trouble lugging heavy camera bags with us, even when we're not on assignment?
I know, this sounds ludicrous nowadays, with powerful digital cameras in cell phones everyone carries in the pocket. Back then, pocket cameras couldn't really take a decent picture a professional photographer could publish without shame. Back then, publications also cared about the quality, a notion long lost since.
We agreed it was worth it, because a picture could be found everywhere if we only looked carefully. A different angle, a different lens, can make anything look picturesque.
Fast forward to today - I told Meg about this conversation and we decided to try and prove that there's really a picture everywhere around us. Armed with iPhones (and real cameras when necessary), we will post a picture a day (sometimes maybe even more than just one). And, here's Meg's shot of the day:
Morning scene (photo: M)
To follow our daily photographic endeavor, check the posts labeled "apicaday" in this blog.